When a design has been deleted by the digitizer . . .

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When a design has been deleted by the digitizer . . .

Post by marksacopter »

I think I know the answer to my question, but the older I get the more I realize the wisdom of getting the correct answer instead of what I think is the correct answer.

Some time ago I posted a request for a small satin circle to be used in making a hand sanitizer cover. A digitizer graciously fulfilled my request, I made a cover, and then posted a tutorial on how to make the covers. The digitizer then deleted the file. I just received a message from a forum member asking about the circle. I double checked, it is no longer available.

:?: It seems like my three options are to direct her to the original digitizer, email her the file, tell her the circle is no longer available.

Which is the proprer Sew Forum protocol?

Thank you.
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Re: When a design has been deleted by the digitizer . . .

Post by tkoepenick »

It can be frustrating when this happens and unfortunately even though you have the original design file SewForum rules do not allow us to share files. Contacting the original designer is an option but as you've seen in your years on the forum, folks come and go. Another option is to request that a digitizer create a new circle for you and then you can link it to your design tutorial. I believe you've requested a circle and I'll make that for you so you can point the requester in the right direction. I'll search out your request now.

Thanks for asking the question. Your SewForum Administrators and Moderators are here to help you.

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Re: When a design has been deleted by the digitizer . . .

Post by tkoepenick »

OK, now I can't find your post! I believe you wanted a circle about 1.15"

Here it is. Let me know if you needed a different size.
circ.jpg (18.79 KiB) Viewed 102268 times
(4.33 KiB) Downloaded 2790 times

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Re: When a design has been deleted by the digitizer . . .

Post by marksacopter »

That is amazingly generous. I will diredct the questioner here.

Thank you for your response. I was pretty sure that I was not supposed to email a file to someone, even though it was a simple circle.

I see you're from Southern California. I live in New York but both of my sons currently live in CA. One in West Hollywood (working) and one in Santa Barbara (college). It's a beautiful part of the country.
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Re: When a design has been deleted by the digitizer . . .

Post by tkoepenick »

I'm glad I could help!

Do you get to come out this way often? My husband went to UCSB and lived there for 25 years.

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Re: When a design has been deleted by the digitizer . . .

Post by marksacopter »

I was there in June. My husband is currently there having just driven cross country with the Santa Barbara son. Sons have only been in CA two years, but I see more trips on our future.
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Re: When a design has been deleted by the digitizer . . .

Post by beedragonlady »

That just happened to me. I had made a request for a coin. Not only was the design deleted, the whole conversation was deleted. Wierd! Someone was asking about the design, I suggested she contact the person who made it, but never heard back if she was helped. I hope she was, it was a beautiful design. But I certainly understand people removing their designs when people go against their wishes and use them on items for sale or add the them to design sets and sell them. That would make me angry and not encourage me to continue to donate!
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Re: When a design has been deleted by the digitizer . . .

Post by rose48458 »

I see it has been months since you wrote your comment beedragon lady,but i just saw this and wanted to comment. When a design is removed by a digitizer ,we will remove the whole thing.To leave the conversation about a design that is not there is just taking up space ,Not useful and only gets people asking what happened to the design.So if we remove the posts ,disapointment about a design not being there is eliliminated (of course not if you were looking for the specific one )If you were to do a search on sewforum ,it may contain the post with the design removed .BY removing the post and comments, it no longer will be part of a search.over the yrs many designs have been removed,so that elimimates a lot .Rosemary
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